Monday, August 8, 2016

[REVIEW + SWATCH] Inez Color Contour Plus Eye Shadow Collection in #05 Venice

Halo, Manis!

Setelah sekian lama berkutat menyelesaikan kewajiban saya sebagai (katanya sih) mahasiswa, akhirnya saya bisa punya waktu untuk menulis untuk blog ini lagi. Yeay!

Kali ini saya akan mereview eyeshadow lokal dari brand Inez. Ya, semua orang tahu kalau eyeshadow dari brand ini sangat extraordinary; baik dalam pigmentasinya, maupun performanya. Saya sendiri sampai heran, kok bisa yah pigmentasi, tekstur, dan ketahanannya bisa sampai begini?

Penasaran kenapa saya bisa sampai menulis seperti itu? Hayu atuh, akang teteh dibaca sampai selesai yah.

Inez Color Contour Plus Eye Shadow Collection in #05 Venice


Friday, July 15, 2016

Photoshop Tutorial: Cara Memperbaiki Foto Kusam

Halo semuanya!

Libur lebaran sudah berakhir, anak-anak pun tengah bersiap masuk sekolah tahun ajar baru. Nah, untuk yang baru saja pulang mudik dari perantauan, saya ucapkan selamat kembali beraktifitas! Eits, tapi sebelum itu, boleh dong ya upload foto-foto liburan dan jalan-jalan kemarin? Eh, tapi fotonya kok kusam? Waduuh…

Thursday, June 16, 2016

[REVIEW + SWATCH] Purbasari Matte Lipstick #89

Halo semuanya. Sudah lama saya tidak mengisi entry blog ini karena banyak deadline. Dan, deadline yang paling krusial itu adalah menyelesaikan skripsi T.T

Postingan kali ini menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia karena saya sudah enek menulis Bahasa Inggris. Ini karena skripsi puluhan halaman itu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Jadi saya perlu sedikit penetral lah.

Oke, langsung saja. Berawal dari rasa penasaran dan ingin membuktikan review-review beauty blogger lain tentang lippen ini yang mengatakan Purbasari Matte Lipstik ini bagus banget, saya jadi penasaran membelinya.

Friday, June 3, 2016

[Unboxing + Review] Garnier Light Complete White Speed Series


Lately, my skin condition is not in its best condition. Perhaps it is because of the lack of sleep (thank you skripsi), too much sun exposure, and lack of skin nutrient. The combination of these factors successfully makes my skin looks dull and not healthy. After that, comedos and acnes are attacking me. Ewwww… 

So, I thought I need something that can help me to (at least) lessen the effect of the malnourish skin.

Fortunately, Garnier gives a solution by bringing out new formula to enhance our skin condition. They just launch the new version of Garnier Light Complete White Speed series. They claim this line is the whitening agent special. So what are they? Are they good enough to get rid of your dull-looking-skin?

Saturday, April 30, 2016

[REVIEW] Secret Key Snail Repairing Emulsion

Secret Key Snail Repairing Emulsion

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

My Wishlist -- New Babies to Collect !

As a make-up lover, I have tendency to try new makeup, buy new make-up things, and complete my make-up kit. I know this might sound waste of money because people would say, “Why the h*** would you spend so much money on makeup? You don’t wear it every day!” Well, the answer is simple, that’s because I love it! People who have this kind of experience would likely to understand my feelings. Furthermore, in order not to make myself broke, I have planned to make a wish-list which contains limited amount of new cosmetics/skincare I would buy in every month.

So, here is my makeup slash money management. Also, in this post, I give you information on where to find the product with the cheapest price (in case you are also interested in them). I had done research on some online shops that sells my wish-list product, and here is my findings.

Note Please keep in mind I am not promoting any online shops.
I am not paid by them. I only give you information on where to buy the product.

Products I want to buy
  • City Color Figtastic
Ever since I purchased Be Matte Blush in Blood Orange, I kind of hooked on City Color. This is because their products are reasonable with prices and they have great line of products. This palette has 14 gorgeous color ranges from soft peach-pink-purple-dark brown, which is in my opinion is great for day to night makeup.
Price IDR 99000
Where to buy
  • City Color Sunlight Trio Collection 1
Source :

I saw the swatches on and I instantly fell in love with them. They have golden champagne highlighter, a nice pink blush, and a great bronzer (too dark and too sparkly for me, but it would be great for an eye-shadow). A complete highlighter-blush-bronzer in one is a great deal.
Price IDR 89000
Where to buy

  • Maybelline Hyper Matte Liquid Liner
Source :

Simply because my Maybelline Studio Gel Liner hit the pan. So I run out of black eyeliner. I want to buy the studio one but I want to try something new with their liquid eye liner. Plus, it is available here in every Maybelline counter at Jogja!
Price IDR 40000
Where to buy : Maybelline counter in your city

  • Revlon Photoready Perfecting Primer
Source :
 I don’t own any primer right now. And the reason why I want to have this is simply because I need primer since this will help prolong the makeup wear. There are two types of this primer. The first type is the Revlon Photoready Perfecting Primer, the second type is Revlon Photoready Color Correcting Primer. My target is the Perfecting Primer, because I can use colored concealer to color correct. Plus, I saw this primers have many positive reviews on internet.
Price IDR 178000
Where to buy : Revlon counter in your city

  • The Saem Concealer in #2 Rich Beige
Source :
 I saw many reviews of this concealer and their results are great. Most of Korean beauty vlogger raved on this concealer. Ssinnim also said that this is her favorite concealer to cover and brighten up her under eyes.
Price IDR 85000
Where to buy : K-Pop Beautyshop @tokopedia

So that is my make-up wish-list for the next two months. Hope I can save some money to have these babies.

See you on my next post.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

[REVIEW] City Color Be Matte Blush in Blood Orange (Photographed by Rani T.)

Hello folks….

It has been always tricky for me to choose blushes. This is because of the complexity of my skin. I am not tan but I am also not fair. Most blushes offer either too pinky or too peachy in regard of their color. Most blushes I had tried mostly made my skin look strange—too peachy or the color wise is not really great.The best method I have tried is to mix orange and pink blushes to get the color that I wanted. IDK maybe I have bad luck in choosing blushes. But now, my olive-colored-skin might scream in happiness since I got my hands on City Color Be Matte Blush in Blood Orange. Yeah so HAPPY!

The Packaging
This super cheap under $5 blushes is packed in black matte plastic. The material is not sturdy in my opinion. You might hear that clank sound each time I flick my fingers on it.  However, City Color Cosmetics is quite generous in giving the product in a huge amount. They give us 8.9 grams of product. Three times bigger than my last blush M****** R*** hich only have 3.0 grams on the pot. Quite a lot right? I think with this generous amount of blush, this beauty could last me for one year

How it is made?
At the rear side of the product, CCC gives information about the ingredients. And look! It is cruelty free!
Ingredients: Talc, Mica, Mineral Oil (Parafinum Liquidium), Phenoxyethanol, Ethythexyglicerin, Tacopheril Acetate, Fragrance (Parfum), Tocopherol, Iron Oxides (CI 77491), Red 6 Lake (CI 15850), Red 7 Lake (CI 15850).
I don’t have anything to say since I am mostly don’t understand what they are. However, I spotted the word fragrance (parfum). So I assume this blushes has a scent that could annoyed anybody who are sensitive with fragrances.
Once I tried to smell it. It has a little bit vanilla scent —only a little, sheer even I swear. But it is not something that is too strong. It is quite mild. So, I don’t think the fragrance can annoy anybody.
When applied, I barely noticed any scent on my face. Which is good!

This is by far the most satisfying color I ever painted on my cheek.
The color is great. As it said on the name, Blood Orange, it is a combination of red and orange. You can see it has red color, but it also has orange color. Kind of like that.

See how pigmented it is?

The result of this blush is matte. Like flat matte. It does not have any shimmer which is a good point hence I can choose a lot range of highlighter then. You know, shimmer blush on + shimmery highlighter is a no no. I don't want to look like a walking disco ball.

If you think Blood Orange is too stark for your cheek. Do not worry, this color will not make you like a clown. Because hey, nobody uses blushes this way, right? 

What I usually do is just dab the brush into the product, tap on to the lid to get rid of the excess, and then applied it in light stroke on my face.

One thing you should remember, since this blush gives great pigmentation, you must be careful in using it. Remember 3 steps of dancing with blush, (1) swirl or dab (2) tap the excess (3) strokes lightly,
And voila!

(Update April 18, 2016) I forgot to inform you there are other shades of Be Matte Blush as well. There are Toasted Coconut, Dragon Fruit, Blackberry, Fresh Melon, Blood Orange, Papaya, Pink Grapefruit, Guava.
[+] Color wise is good, perfect for my olive skin
[+] Great amount of product, will last me for a year or so
[+] Pretty cheap, some vlogger even get it around $5 others $6.99
[+] Long lasting

[-] Quite tricky, train you hand to give a very light strokes on your cheek since this is very pigmented
[-] Cheap plastic-y packaging

Where to buy?

IDR 75000 

Note: I bought this blush thanks to Rachel Goddard. And I think this blush is great for any medium/olive skin for the majority of Indonesian skin has.

Update : this matte blush lasts for approximately 4 hours if you apply on top of foundation / bb cream, 3 hours on top of powder. My best advice, apply on top of foundation, and set it with no sebum powder such as Innisfree no sebum powder, Etude House zero sebum, or any pressed powder will do. This way would make this blush looks decent and stays longer. 


  See you in the next post.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

[REVIEW] Maybelline Color Show Nail Polish #Coral Craze

Halo semuanya~~~

Kalian sehat, kan? Please dong jangan pada sakit ya.. Soalnya beberapa teman Lulu satu persatu tumbang karena cuaca yang tidak menentu ini.

Lulu harap kalian  tetap sehat dan cantik-cantik XD

Ngomongin yang cantik-cantik, Lulu jadi inget satu nail polish punya Lulu yang warnanya cantik banget (menurut Lulu). Manis seger-seger gimanaa gitu. Yaa, walaupun sekarang masih sering hujan, dan cuaca terkesan gloomy, tapi kita jangan ikut-ikutan gloomy dong yah. Caranya biar gak gloomy salah satunya pakai warna cerah di kuku-kuku kita :)*maaf kalau gak nyambung*
Yah, kalian pasti tahu kemana arah pembicaraan ini. Toh, judulnya sudah jelas sangat.

Yep,  ini adalah nail polish yang kece dari Maybelline. Nail polish ini satu family sama Color Show series. Makanya diberi label Color Show gede-gede di tutupnya.


Nail polish atau kutek ini berbentuk silinder kecil bulat. Agak-agak demplon sih menurut Lulu. Tapi gak apa-apa, walaupun terlihat bantet dan demplon (apaan ini?!) justru terlihat lucu. Fisiknya yang membulat membuat tampilan luar kutek ini simpel, lucu, which I love so much.  

Formulasi Produk

Lulu sih ngerasa konsistensi dari kutek ini pas. Tidak begitu cair, tapi tidak begitu kental. Lalu ketika di oleskan ke kuku, kutek ini juga lumayan cepat mengeringnya. hanya dalam satu kali oles, warnanya sudah terlihat nyala. 
Kalau masalah ada apa saja ingredients di kutek ini, silahkan scroll ke atas foto sebelumnya. Lulu masih awam sama nama-nama disitu, dan gak tau harus tulis bagaimana.

Di foto ini, hanya memakai satu lapis kutek.

Biasanya, Lulu suka pakai dua lapis. Jadi, setelah lapisan pertama kering, di timpa lagi dengan kuteknya. Dengan begitu warna yang keluar jadi lebih vibrant dan penuh.

Penampakan bagian leher botol. Maklum ini beli sudah lumayan lama, kira-kira enam bulanan XD
Hanya ada satu kekurangan dari kutek ini, yaitu kurang tahan lama. Pemakaian dan glossy-nya hanya bertahan sekitar 3 hari. Setelah itu, mulai pecah-pecah di ujung kuku. Sebenarnya dengan harga yang murah, ini sudah sangat wajar. Solusinya biar warna kutek ini tetap bagus lebih dari tiga hari? Pakai top coat.

Kutek ini sebenarnya sudah menjalankan tugasnya dengan cukup baik. Warna yang cantik, lucu, cepat kering, dan murah. 


IDR 30.000an. Aduh maaf agak lupa, sudah lama belinya ^^v

Gimana? Tertarik untuk mencobanya juga? Masih banyak warna lain yang dijual, besok-besok, Lulu mau coba warna birunya ah... Hehehe

Terimakasih ya sudah mau baca sampai akhir. Kamu hebat! 



Friday, February 26, 2016

Tips: Ketika Wajah Berjerawat...

Halo semua! Daramang *sehat?

Kali ini Lulu mau ngebahas tentang perawatan kulit berjerawat nih. Awalnya gak pernah kepikiran di kepala Lulu untuk nulis beginian, soalnya kulit Lulu juga mood nya musiman, kadang bersih, kadang timbul komedo sampai ke kening, juga muncul satu jerawat besar sampai merah. Pokoknya malu lah kalau lagi jerawatan. Nah, kalau kulit Lulu lagi jerawatan bermasalah begitu, biasanya Lulu balik lagi buka-buka cabinet khusus skincare. Ada apa sajakah disitu?

Tapi sebelumnya, jerawat itu apa sih?